The website “” is a publication of:
SATT Conectus
5 rue Schiller 67000 Strasbourg
Simplified joint stock company (SAS) with capital of €1,000,000.
SIRET no: 539 210 559 000 24
Tel: +33 3 68 41 12 60
Editor in chief:
Marc Gillmann, President of SATT Conectus
Website creation:
The website was created by CITEASEN – 22 rue Fischart – 67000 Strasbourg – tel: +33 3 88 68 06 06 : 03 88 68 06 06
Site host:
The website is hosted at OVH – 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix – phone: 1007
Trademarks and copyright
The text and images on this website may not be modified, reused or retransmitted without the prior consent of the Deputy Managing Director of SATT Conectus.
Personal data
This website is governed by the French data protection law of 6 January 1978, also called “computer usage and freedom” and has been declared to the French national data protection commission (CNIL).
The site is subject to regulations concerning marketing communication, the law of June 21, 2014 for confidence in the Digital Economy, the Data Protection Act of August 06, 2004 as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD: n ° 2016-679).
Please click here for our confidentiality policy.
Intellectual property
All the elements on this website (text, photographs, illustrations, logos, files to download, videos or audio items, visuals, overall structure of the website, etc.) are the exclusive property of SATT Conectus.
These elements are protected by the laws of France and international copyright legislation.
No part of any element of the website may be reproduced, represented, modified, published or adapted using any means or process for purposes other than as information intended for a strictly personal and private use. No commercial use may be made of such elements, except with prior permission from SATT Conectus.
Save with the express prior consent of SATT Conectus (to be requested from the site webmaster:, the following are forbidden:
1. Presentation of a page of the website in a web page that is not part of the site (framing).
2. Calling one of the elements of the website from a web page that does not belong to the site (in line linking).
3. Use of hypertext links to any page other than the home page of the website (deep linking).
4. Databases are protected under the law applicable to data compilation. Any total or partial extraction or attempted extraction would make the offender liable for criminal and civil action.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
All disputes arising out of the use of the website shall be governed by the laws of France. The competent courts of Strasbourg shall have sole jurisdiction, with the exception of cases where that is not permitted by law.